Not everyone climbs the stairs at our demise, America; some of U.S. are traveling in the opposite of the eternal Elysian Fields. Jesus warns'm re peatedly they're on the road to Hell: lost, black charcoal, good for nthn except being burnt endlessly as you gnashNgnaw your illbegotten mouth in the sizzlin, grizzly, unquenchable flames. Vincent Que Se Vincent (Latin: he conquers who conquers himself) What stands in His way? FREE WILL If you disbelieve because atheism/idolatry blocks your Way, Satan 'loves' YOU !!! God cannot be wrong; it aint in His nature: He loves each one of us so much, He let's each one of us decide which path to tread: FREE WILL Lemme give you some X-amp: are you, BLM, going up? are you, Antifa, going up? are you, George Sorrows? Howzbout your violence, gay pride, anarchy, murder, theft, deceit? Hmmm.... Is THAT the Way to Heaven? Does Seventh-Heaven have those who